
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Awkward Proposal Story

So I heard the best proposal story the other day and had to share. This fantastic couple goes up into the mountains to have a picnic. Being the stalwart man that he is, the pre-finance asks his girlfriend to bless the food. As she is blessing the food, he rips off his top clothes and has a suit underneath. He gets on one knee and is holding the ring out when she opens her eyes. Don't worry, this gets better... His parents come out of the bushes and start tape recording her response! I'm sure all of you are jealous as you read this and wishing your proposal story had been just as grand.

Let's see, what else is new? I am almost done with my internship at Thanksgiving Point! I have really enjoyed it and have been blessed to get a good internship. Some good news is that my supervisor Veronica found a new job which means that there is a position opening up at my internship. Brittany and Veronica told me the other day to apply so I applied last night. We'll see if I end up getting it. I'll keep you posted!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Random Ramblings

First of all, I am deeply sorry I have not blogged since December. To make up for my absence, I have a treat for you all. I joined Pinterest! It was kind of a long process to get all signed up, but I did it. It just goes to show how awesome of a person that I am. I have some super amazing skills. Like computer skills, ninja skills, good-looking skills, and all around good-person skills. You all probably wish that you could be as cool as me. I guess you can but it's going to take y'all awhile. Ps. most of this blog post was written by Ryan. :)