
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

So I know you thought I had stopped blogging but I decided that I quite enjoy it so you get to keep on hearing from me. If I say so myself, I also have quite the talent with witty blogs so I shouldn't deprive you of enjoying my talent. Jk- I am not quite this conceited. So... Christmas! The best part this year was the nativity scene. All the babies decided they wanted to be baby Jesus. Audrey was the first to smash baby Jesus in the cradle and then the other two eventually joined her so they were all squished together in a small cradle. Unfortunately, I don't think the cradle was meant for three babies. The other great part was the two Mary's. Brielle and Afton both wanted to be Mary so instead of having a tantrum from one of them, we decided to compromise so they were both Mary (in different scenes). Let's see, what else? I got two pairs of pj's. My family knows I love soft pj's so Lizzie got me zebra print and Christie got me leopard print. If you didn't know me better, you would probably think I was obsessed with animal print but really... not so much. The pj's are very cute though-don't worry. Oh, I forgot the random story for this blog. Lizzie told me on Christmas Eve that if I get a random text from a guy named Trijsten then I shouldn't worry and think he is a creeper. Apparently, she gave my number to a guy she thought was cute in the Kohl's line. Pretty random right? Well, I think that about sums up everything interesting that has happened recently. :)

The photo below is little Audrey being cute. She has a strange habit of putting on her Dad's socks and this is the finished product. The picture on the right is Afton and Brielle in their pjs. Afton was very excited about her pj's and hugged them for a couple of seconds when she first opened them.

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