
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Feeling Stressed Yet?

We had a great MCOM assignment this week. I had to find someone more stressed than me and do something nice for them. I asked a couple of people about their schedules and found someone who won! My roomate, Casey, had quite a bit to do. She had a 25 page paper, some presentations, projects etc... I think the paper sealed the deal for me. I decided to clean her room and give her a note. I borrowed some colored paper from another roomate and attempted to write a note in the form of a snowflake. It has been way too long since I have been crafty because my snowflakes sucked. I decided to be boring and just do a normal note because the snowflake was taking way too long. I think she still appreciated the note.

I was happy for this assignment because it felt nice to stop thinking about myself and do something for someone else. :) I felt kind of creepy taking a picture of her bed but I had to show off my hard work so here it is!

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