
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Temple Square

This is my last school post. I know, you are crushed. This past week, we went to temple square! The bad news is it was freezing. My toes felt like they were going to fall off by the end of the night. My friend, Dave, told me I would most likely get a black toe and it would fall off. He was so very optimistic about my fate. His words made me feel great about my frozen feet...or not. The good news is we got to see lots of pretty lights! So I met a missionary the other day who thought I was from the south. I told him I was from Provo and he was utterly confused. Then, Genie said I was born in Norway and he got super excited. He kept on saying, “Wow, that is soooo cool!” I lost count of the amount of times he told me I was super cool. Well, I would love to keep on babbling about my dear missionaries but unfortunately I am tired and want to go to bed so this is all the excitement you get from me tonight.

The picture on the left is our whole group! And the picture on the right is in front of my favorite tree ever. The sad part is it got cut off. I guess the person taking the picture did not realize the importance of this tree...

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog posts Deb and I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of sad you probably won't be posting quite as often from now on! You need to keep it up though for your sister that you love so much. :)
