
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cupcake Party

Ok, the most exciting news about this week is not these cupcakes. I know the picture is a bit misleading. Basically, I got a new phone and look what great pictures it takes! I have been obsessed with my new phone cause lets face it, it's pretty cool if I say so myself. One of my favorite features about the new phone is the swipe method and camera. I guess the internet is pretty neat. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the funny story of the week. I went to the bathroom and happened to run into a guy there which I thought was slightly awkward because it was not a family restroom but strictly a ladies restroom. So when I got back I told Gloria about my new found friend and she came up with a song for it. It goes like this, "I have to go to the bathroom and I hope I don't see a man there because that would be awkward". You can imagine in your head the tune but the one she came up with was quite amazing. Ha, ha, well that's all the funny stories I got so... see ya later!

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