
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Adventures in Saint George

This picture is when some girls and I went down to Saint George for the Huntsman World Senior Games! We went down there to help out with the health testing, particularly the eye testing. This was a very fun adventure partly because old people are hilarious and the girls I went down with were great! We were in Saint George for two days and stayed in a huge mansion owned by a Japanese family. The family was super nice and kept on feeding us even when we were not hungry. My most memorable stories come from the athletes who were still going strong even at 90 years old. My favorite were the two little old ladies who came to my station. One of them was 90 years old and doing a 5k the next day. I told her I was impressed she was still going strong and she looked at me very seriously and said "she was sitting on her butt now and would probably be sitting on her butt after the race." Ha, ha, she gave me a few laughs. Another favorite was the older lady who was also probably 90 years old as well and had her hair in pigtails. She was blind as a bat but insisted she wanted to take the eye exam without her glasses. I'm not entirely sure what she was trying to prove because she couldn't see any of the letters and essentially failed the test. She was one of the more feisty ones. That about sums up all the funny stories besides the cute old men who kept on winking at me or the people who would curse because they could not read the letters. Needless to say, our trip was really fun and left me with some great memories!
We found an old telephone booth and got so excited and just had to take a picture in it. The picture on the right is the fantastic house we stayed in. It had Harry Potter rooms which also made it quite epic.

This is a fantastic fan in the fantastic house. We were feeling particularly picture happy and decided to express our excitement in cheerleader fashion.

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