
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Party

This weekend we had our first Halloween Party! I have been craving caramel apples and my roomate wanted to make black pea soup and put it in bread bowls that look like pumpkins. We put both of our fabulous ideas together and made a party out of it! We made the best looking caramel apples you have ever seen. When I say that, I am being slightly sarcastic. My friend Ryne couldn't get the caramel to stick very well so he decided to put chocolate on the top of it. Hopefully it tasted good - even if it didn't look that great. We ended the night by watching an older movie that starred Don Knotts. My roomate and I were cracking up the entire time. I guess we have the same cheesy sense of humor. :)

Oh hey, I forgot to tell my big news! I interviewed with Thanksgiving Point for an internship and they offered me the position in the interview! I'm attributing this success to my fabulous MCOM class that taught me good interviewing skills. :)

This is a pictures of our caramel apples. They didn't look great but sure tasted good! The bread bowls were also pretty exciting. I felt truly festive.

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