
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Making New Friends

The story this week is really great. Today in MCOM, Shayne gave us a weekend assignment. We were assigned to meet a stranger and offer to buy something for them. Sounds awkward right? I'm not entirely sure the purpose of this assignment besides just testing our ability to make an awkward situation non-awkward. The last piece of advice Shayne gave us was to find the hottest guy/girl on campus and offer to buy them dinner in order to complete the assignment. Match made in Heaven right? Now, that actually would be a great story if it worked out. Well, I for sure did not meet my soul mate but I did make his night. We were in line at Wal-Mart and I decided it would be a great idea to ask the cashier if I could buy him something. It worked out perfectly. He asked me where I was going to school which of course was a perfect segway for the assignment. I told him about the assignment and then asked if I could buy me something. He stared blankly at me for a couple of seconds and then said, "seriously?"... wait you are legitly serious?." I told him, yes I was legitly serious. So I bought him a mountain dew and made his night as well as the lady behind me who seemed to find the situation quite amusing. Well, that's all I got for my fantastic story this week. I would have included a picture but felt that taking a picture of the cashier and I would have seemed slightly creepy picture this time! I am deeply sorry but felt the story made up for the lack of visual imagery in this blog.

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