
Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving! This week has been great so far. I didn't have any school this week and only had work till Wednesday so we're already off to a great start! On Tuesday, I went to see Twilight with my family. I know the guys didn't appreciate it but I don't even think the girls were that impressed. Lets just say, this movie is not on my top ten list to recommend. Blaine, my brother-in-law said the first half was a wedding video and the last half was a birthing video. I think he pretty much summed up the movie in that short synopsis. The next day we had pies on Thanksgiving Eve and then watched Harry Potter Seven. My mom was asking questions the entire time and everyone kept on telling her to wait and see what happens. Even though my mom was asking questions, I think I would watch Harry Potter any day over Twilight! Today is Thanksgiving and I feel stuffed as usual and tomorrow is black Friday shopping. I sincerely hope I do not get trampled. I am not going to Wal-Mart so I am going to cross my fingers.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Random Weekend Adventure

So I know you may think this picture makes you think of Christmas but not yet. It is almost Thanksgiving though! I'm so stinkin excited to go home and spend time with my family. This pic was taken at the Riverwoods. It started snowing as we were walking around and looking at the lights. I didn't bring a coat, which was not the brightest moment of my life. This night was full of great experiences, don't worry. After our stroll with the lights, I went to a friend's birthday party. The best part was when we were leaving. The most epic part was when I drove off the curb. In my defense, it was dark and I didn't see the curb. Needless to say, this was not the best night for my driving skills.

Tonight was also a fun night! I am not being sarcastic about this, completely serious. I went to humoru and it is really funny. The guy starts out by saying that they are going to keep things rated PG-13 and only drop the f-bomb twice. Another comedian was joking about marriage. He just got married and says that whenever someone asks him how married life is he says, "shut-up, you pervert!." The last guy that was pretty great was making fun of single guys/girls. Why do girls go to their single friends for dating advice and vice versa? Haha, still trying to figure that one out. Well, needless to say, humoru was lots of laughs!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Camping Adventure

So this blog is not going to be half as interesting because I have been lazy this weekend and did not take pictures with everything I did. The exciting news is I went on a camp out this weekend. I'm not going to lie, camping in almost the middle of winter is not the smartest idea in the world. The bad news is it was freezing but the good news is I didn't freeze to death. My roomie and I decided we were going to be cuddle buddies for the night but even with the spooning, it was still very cold! She woke me up in the middle of the night and told me she couldn't sleep so we actually ended up packing up and leaving. She had a test in the morning and wanted to get some sleep instead of no sleep. Since my toes were freezing, I had no objections. The great part was we got lost in the canyon and had to turn around and ask the budding couple back at the campsite how to get out. They were the only ones still up so we had no other option than to make friends with them. So long story short, we finally made it home and I ended up sleeping in my nice cozy bed instead of a freezing tent. Well, I know you are enthralled with my riveting story, but I'm going to have to end this awesome blog because I want to go to sleep!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's Finally Halloween

Can I just say I have the cutest nieces and and nephews? They all wanted to be pirates except Cameron, who is the devoted mangy dog. I got to see them before I went to my party. So I had this fantastic plan to be the best nerd ever! My friend was going to loan me suspenders, big glasses- the works. Sadly, I didn't have time to dress up before my party. Good news is that I have a perfect outfit for next Halloween!

My niece, Audrey, was Minnie but would not smile for any pictures. My brother-in-law and sister dressed up as the 99% and the 1%. This was referring to what's going on with occupy wallstreet. Ryan's sign says "I live in a park" and lizzie's sign says "I bought your park, get out." I think this idea was better than Ryan's first idea which was to have lizzie dress up as a naughty nurse...maybe might send the wrong message, right?