
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Camping Adventure

So this blog is not going to be half as interesting because I have been lazy this weekend and did not take pictures with everything I did. The exciting news is I went on a camp out this weekend. I'm not going to lie, camping in almost the middle of winter is not the smartest idea in the world. The bad news is it was freezing but the good news is I didn't freeze to death. My roomie and I decided we were going to be cuddle buddies for the night but even with the spooning, it was still very cold! She woke me up in the middle of the night and told me she couldn't sleep so we actually ended up packing up and leaving. She had a test in the morning and wanted to get some sleep instead of no sleep. Since my toes were freezing, I had no objections. The great part was we got lost in the canyon and had to turn around and ask the budding couple back at the campsite how to get out. They were the only ones still up so we had no other option than to make friends with them. So long story short, we finally made it home and I ended up sleeping in my nice cozy bed instead of a freezing tent. Well, I know you are enthralled with my riveting story, but I'm going to have to end this awesome blog because I want to go to sleep!

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