
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Awkward Proposal Story

So I heard the best proposal story the other day and had to share. This fantastic couple goes up into the mountains to have a picnic. Being the stalwart man that he is, the pre-finance asks his girlfriend to bless the food. As she is blessing the food, he rips off his top clothes and has a suit underneath. He gets on one knee and is holding the ring out when she opens her eyes. Don't worry, this gets better... His parents come out of the bushes and start tape recording her response! I'm sure all of you are jealous as you read this and wishing your proposal story had been just as grand.

Let's see, what else is new? I am almost done with my internship at Thanksgiving Point! I have really enjoyed it and have been blessed to get a good internship. Some good news is that my supervisor Veronica found a new job which means that there is a position opening up at my internship. Brittany and Veronica told me the other day to apply so I applied last night. We'll see if I end up getting it. I'll keep you posted!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Random Ramblings

First of all, I am deeply sorry I have not blogged since December. To make up for my absence, I have a treat for you all. I joined Pinterest! It was kind of a long process to get all signed up, but I did it. It just goes to show how awesome of a person that I am. I have some super amazing skills. Like computer skills, ninja skills, good-looking skills, and all around good-person skills. You all probably wish that you could be as cool as me. I guess you can but it's going to take y'all awhile. Ps. most of this blog post was written by Ryan. :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

So I know you thought I had stopped blogging but I decided that I quite enjoy it so you get to keep on hearing from me. If I say so myself, I also have quite the talent with witty blogs so I shouldn't deprive you of enjoying my talent. Jk- I am not quite this conceited. So... Christmas! The best part this year was the nativity scene. All the babies decided they wanted to be baby Jesus. Audrey was the first to smash baby Jesus in the cradle and then the other two eventually joined her so they were all squished together in a small cradle. Unfortunately, I don't think the cradle was meant for three babies. The other great part was the two Mary's. Brielle and Afton both wanted to be Mary so instead of having a tantrum from one of them, we decided to compromise so they were both Mary (in different scenes). Let's see, what else? I got two pairs of pj's. My family knows I love soft pj's so Lizzie got me zebra print and Christie got me leopard print. If you didn't know me better, you would probably think I was obsessed with animal print but really... not so much. The pj's are very cute though-don't worry. Oh, I forgot the random story for this blog. Lizzie told me on Christmas Eve that if I get a random text from a guy named Trijsten then I shouldn't worry and think he is a creeper. Apparently, she gave my number to a guy she thought was cute in the Kohl's line. Pretty random right? Well, I think that about sums up everything interesting that has happened recently. :)

The photo below is little Audrey being cute. She has a strange habit of putting on her Dad's socks and this is the finished product. The picture on the right is Afton and Brielle in their pjs. Afton was very excited about her pj's and hugged them for a couple of seconds when she first opened them.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Temple Square

This is my last school post. I know, you are crushed. This past week, we went to temple square! The bad news is it was freezing. My toes felt like they were going to fall off by the end of the night. My friend, Dave, told me I would most likely get a black toe and it would fall off. He was so very optimistic about my fate. His words made me feel great about my frozen feet...or not. The good news is we got to see lots of pretty lights! So I met a missionary the other day who thought I was from the south. I told him I was from Provo and he was utterly confused. Then, Genie said I was born in Norway and he got super excited. He kept on saying, “Wow, that is soooo cool!” I lost count of the amount of times he told me I was super cool. Well, I would love to keep on babbling about my dear missionaries but unfortunately I am tired and want to go to bed so this is all the excitement you get from me tonight.

The picture on the left is our whole group! And the picture on the right is in front of my favorite tree ever. The sad part is it got cut off. I guess the person taking the picture did not realize the importance of this tree...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Feeling Stressed Yet?

We had a great MCOM assignment this week. I had to find someone more stressed than me and do something nice for them. I asked a couple of people about their schedules and found someone who won! My roomate, Casey, had quite a bit to do. She had a 25 page paper, some presentations, projects etc... I think the paper sealed the deal for me. I decided to clean her room and give her a note. I borrowed some colored paper from another roomate and attempted to write a note in the form of a snowflake. It has been way too long since I have been crafty because my snowflakes sucked. I decided to be boring and just do a normal note because the snowflake was taking way too long. I think she still appreciated the note.

I was happy for this assignment because it felt nice to stop thinking about myself and do something for someone else. :) I felt kind of creepy taking a picture of her bed but I had to show off my hard work so here it is!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving! This week has been great so far. I didn't have any school this week and only had work till Wednesday so we're already off to a great start! On Tuesday, I went to see Twilight with my family. I know the guys didn't appreciate it but I don't even think the girls were that impressed. Lets just say, this movie is not on my top ten list to recommend. Blaine, my brother-in-law said the first half was a wedding video and the last half was a birthing video. I think he pretty much summed up the movie in that short synopsis. The next day we had pies on Thanksgiving Eve and then watched Harry Potter Seven. My mom was asking questions the entire time and everyone kept on telling her to wait and see what happens. Even though my mom was asking questions, I think I would watch Harry Potter any day over Twilight! Today is Thanksgiving and I feel stuffed as usual and tomorrow is black Friday shopping. I sincerely hope I do not get trampled. I am not going to Wal-Mart so I am going to cross my fingers.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Random Weekend Adventure

So I know you may think this picture makes you think of Christmas but not yet. It is almost Thanksgiving though! I'm so stinkin excited to go home and spend time with my family. This pic was taken at the Riverwoods. It started snowing as we were walking around and looking at the lights. I didn't bring a coat, which was not the brightest moment of my life. This night was full of great experiences, don't worry. After our stroll with the lights, I went to a friend's birthday party. The best part was when we were leaving. The most epic part was when I drove off the curb. In my defense, it was dark and I didn't see the curb. Needless to say, this was not the best night for my driving skills.

Tonight was also a fun night! I am not being sarcastic about this, completely serious. I went to humoru and it is really funny. The guy starts out by saying that they are going to keep things rated PG-13 and only drop the f-bomb twice. Another comedian was joking about marriage. He just got married and says that whenever someone asks him how married life is he says, "shut-up, you pervert!." The last guy that was pretty great was making fun of single guys/girls. Why do girls go to their single friends for dating advice and vice versa? Haha, still trying to figure that one out. Well, needless to say, humoru was lots of laughs!