
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

So I know you thought I had stopped blogging but I decided that I quite enjoy it so you get to keep on hearing from me. If I say so myself, I also have quite the talent with witty blogs so I shouldn't deprive you of enjoying my talent. Jk- I am not quite this conceited. So... Christmas! The best part this year was the nativity scene. All the babies decided they wanted to be baby Jesus. Audrey was the first to smash baby Jesus in the cradle and then the other two eventually joined her so they were all squished together in a small cradle. Unfortunately, I don't think the cradle was meant for three babies. The other great part was the two Mary's. Brielle and Afton both wanted to be Mary so instead of having a tantrum from one of them, we decided to compromise so they were both Mary (in different scenes). Let's see, what else? I got two pairs of pj's. My family knows I love soft pj's so Lizzie got me zebra print and Christie got me leopard print. If you didn't know me better, you would probably think I was obsessed with animal print but really... not so much. The pj's are very cute though-don't worry. Oh, I forgot the random story for this blog. Lizzie told me on Christmas Eve that if I get a random text from a guy named Trijsten then I shouldn't worry and think he is a creeper. Apparently, she gave my number to a guy she thought was cute in the Kohl's line. Pretty random right? Well, I think that about sums up everything interesting that has happened recently. :)

The photo below is little Audrey being cute. She has a strange habit of putting on her Dad's socks and this is the finished product. The picture on the right is Afton and Brielle in their pjs. Afton was very excited about her pj's and hugged them for a couple of seconds when she first opened them.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Temple Square

This is my last school post. I know, you are crushed. This past week, we went to temple square! The bad news is it was freezing. My toes felt like they were going to fall off by the end of the night. My friend, Dave, told me I would most likely get a black toe and it would fall off. He was so very optimistic about my fate. His words made me feel great about my frozen feet...or not. The good news is we got to see lots of pretty lights! So I met a missionary the other day who thought I was from the south. I told him I was from Provo and he was utterly confused. Then, Genie said I was born in Norway and he got super excited. He kept on saying, “Wow, that is soooo cool!” I lost count of the amount of times he told me I was super cool. Well, I would love to keep on babbling about my dear missionaries but unfortunately I am tired and want to go to bed so this is all the excitement you get from me tonight.

The picture on the left is our whole group! And the picture on the right is in front of my favorite tree ever. The sad part is it got cut off. I guess the person taking the picture did not realize the importance of this tree...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Feeling Stressed Yet?

We had a great MCOM assignment this week. I had to find someone more stressed than me and do something nice for them. I asked a couple of people about their schedules and found someone who won! My roomate, Casey, had quite a bit to do. She had a 25 page paper, some presentations, projects etc... I think the paper sealed the deal for me. I decided to clean her room and give her a note. I borrowed some colored paper from another roomate and attempted to write a note in the form of a snowflake. It has been way too long since I have been crafty because my snowflakes sucked. I decided to be boring and just do a normal note because the snowflake was taking way too long. I think she still appreciated the note.

I was happy for this assignment because it felt nice to stop thinking about myself and do something for someone else. :) I felt kind of creepy taking a picture of her bed but I had to show off my hard work so here it is!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving! This week has been great so far. I didn't have any school this week and only had work till Wednesday so we're already off to a great start! On Tuesday, I went to see Twilight with my family. I know the guys didn't appreciate it but I don't even think the girls were that impressed. Lets just say, this movie is not on my top ten list to recommend. Blaine, my brother-in-law said the first half was a wedding video and the last half was a birthing video. I think he pretty much summed up the movie in that short synopsis. The next day we had pies on Thanksgiving Eve and then watched Harry Potter Seven. My mom was asking questions the entire time and everyone kept on telling her to wait and see what happens. Even though my mom was asking questions, I think I would watch Harry Potter any day over Twilight! Today is Thanksgiving and I feel stuffed as usual and tomorrow is black Friday shopping. I sincerely hope I do not get trampled. I am not going to Wal-Mart so I am going to cross my fingers.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Random Weekend Adventure

So I know you may think this picture makes you think of Christmas but not yet. It is almost Thanksgiving though! I'm so stinkin excited to go home and spend time with my family. This pic was taken at the Riverwoods. It started snowing as we were walking around and looking at the lights. I didn't bring a coat, which was not the brightest moment of my life. This night was full of great experiences, don't worry. After our stroll with the lights, I went to a friend's birthday party. The best part was when we were leaving. The most epic part was when I drove off the curb. In my defense, it was dark and I didn't see the curb. Needless to say, this was not the best night for my driving skills.

Tonight was also a fun night! I am not being sarcastic about this, completely serious. I went to humoru and it is really funny. The guy starts out by saying that they are going to keep things rated PG-13 and only drop the f-bomb twice. Another comedian was joking about marriage. He just got married and says that whenever someone asks him how married life is he says, "shut-up, you pervert!." The last guy that was pretty great was making fun of single guys/girls. Why do girls go to their single friends for dating advice and vice versa? Haha, still trying to figure that one out. Well, needless to say, humoru was lots of laughs!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Camping Adventure

So this blog is not going to be half as interesting because I have been lazy this weekend and did not take pictures with everything I did. The exciting news is I went on a camp out this weekend. I'm not going to lie, camping in almost the middle of winter is not the smartest idea in the world. The bad news is it was freezing but the good news is I didn't freeze to death. My roomie and I decided we were going to be cuddle buddies for the night but even with the spooning, it was still very cold! She woke me up in the middle of the night and told me she couldn't sleep so we actually ended up packing up and leaving. She had a test in the morning and wanted to get some sleep instead of no sleep. Since my toes were freezing, I had no objections. The great part was we got lost in the canyon and had to turn around and ask the budding couple back at the campsite how to get out. They were the only ones still up so we had no other option than to make friends with them. So long story short, we finally made it home and I ended up sleeping in my nice cozy bed instead of a freezing tent. Well, I know you are enthralled with my riveting story, but I'm going to have to end this awesome blog because I want to go to sleep!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's Finally Halloween

Can I just say I have the cutest nieces and and nephews? They all wanted to be pirates except Cameron, who is the devoted mangy dog. I got to see them before I went to my party. So I had this fantastic plan to be the best nerd ever! My friend was going to loan me suspenders, big glasses- the works. Sadly, I didn't have time to dress up before my party. Good news is that I have a perfect outfit for next Halloween!

My niece, Audrey, was Minnie but would not smile for any pictures. My brother-in-law and sister dressed up as the 99% and the 1%. This was referring to what's going on with occupy wallstreet. Ryan's sign says "I live in a park" and lizzie's sign says "I bought your park, get out." I think this idea was better than Ryan's first idea which was to have lizzie dress up as a naughty nurse...maybe might send the wrong message, right?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Party

This weekend we had our first Halloween Party! I have been craving caramel apples and my roomate wanted to make black pea soup and put it in bread bowls that look like pumpkins. We put both of our fabulous ideas together and made a party out of it! We made the best looking caramel apples you have ever seen. When I say that, I am being slightly sarcastic. My friend Ryne couldn't get the caramel to stick very well so he decided to put chocolate on the top of it. Hopefully it tasted good - even if it didn't look that great. We ended the night by watching an older movie that starred Don Knotts. My roomate and I were cracking up the entire time. I guess we have the same cheesy sense of humor. :)

Oh hey, I forgot to tell my big news! I interviewed with Thanksgiving Point for an internship and they offered me the position in the interview! I'm attributing this success to my fabulous MCOM class that taught me good interviewing skills. :)

This is a pictures of our caramel apples. They didn't look great but sure tasted good! The bread bowls were also pretty exciting. I felt truly festive.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Adventures in Saint George

This picture is when some girls and I went down to Saint George for the Huntsman World Senior Games! We went down there to help out with the health testing, particularly the eye testing. This was a very fun adventure partly because old people are hilarious and the girls I went down with were great! We were in Saint George for two days and stayed in a huge mansion owned by a Japanese family. The family was super nice and kept on feeding us even when we were not hungry. My most memorable stories come from the athletes who were still going strong even at 90 years old. My favorite were the two little old ladies who came to my station. One of them was 90 years old and doing a 5k the next day. I told her I was impressed she was still going strong and she looked at me very seriously and said "she was sitting on her butt now and would probably be sitting on her butt after the race." Ha, ha, she gave me a few laughs. Another favorite was the older lady who was also probably 90 years old as well and had her hair in pigtails. She was blind as a bat but insisted she wanted to take the eye exam without her glasses. I'm not entirely sure what she was trying to prove because she couldn't see any of the letters and essentially failed the test. She was one of the more feisty ones. That about sums up all the funny stories besides the cute old men who kept on winking at me or the people who would curse because they could not read the letters. Needless to say, our trip was really fun and left me with some great memories!
We found an old telephone booth and got so excited and just had to take a picture in it. The picture on the right is the fantastic house we stayed in. It had Harry Potter rooms which also made it quite epic.

This is a fantastic fan in the fantastic house. We were feeling particularly picture happy and decided to express our excitement in cheerleader fashion.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Making New Friends

The story this week is really great. Today in MCOM, Shayne gave us a weekend assignment. We were assigned to meet a stranger and offer to buy something for them. Sounds awkward right? I'm not entirely sure the purpose of this assignment besides just testing our ability to make an awkward situation non-awkward. The last piece of advice Shayne gave us was to find the hottest guy/girl on campus and offer to buy them dinner in order to complete the assignment. Match made in Heaven right? Now, that actually would be a great story if it worked out. Well, I for sure did not meet my soul mate but I did make his night. We were in line at Wal-Mart and I decided it would be a great idea to ask the cashier if I could buy him something. It worked out perfectly. He asked me where I was going to school which of course was a perfect segway for the assignment. I told him about the assignment and then asked if I could buy me something. He stared blankly at me for a couple of seconds and then said, "seriously?"... wait you are legitly serious?." I told him, yes I was legitly serious. So I bought him a mountain dew and made his night as well as the lady behind me who seemed to find the situation quite amusing. Well, that's all I got for my fantastic story this week. I would have included a picture but felt that taking a picture of the cashier and I would have seemed slightly creepy picture this time! I am deeply sorry but felt the story made up for the lack of visual imagery in this blog.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Conferenc con't

So this fun event happened Conference weekend too! The girls decided they needed to take a bath so they started filling up the bath all by themselves. We decided since they were being so proactive about being clean to just let them run with it. This is the aftermath and they are still so happy.


Well, lets talk about Conference weekend shall we? This was my chair for Conference and Ashlyn felt the need to share it with me. I guess I had a little room to spare. I decided this was a moment that could not be lost so we took a picture. It took quite a bit of effort to get her to smile. Ryan was making crazy faces at her so that would be why she is not looking at the camera. I guess Ashlyn is the star of the weekend cause I have a lot of pictures of her. Funny story. We made cookies and she was obsessed with the cookie dough so she walked around with the whisk in her hand and licked it all clean. She then threw it on the ground and held out her hand for more. Being the wonderful, responsible aunt that I am, I of course gave her another whisk to chew more cookie dough! My secret is to use food to make my nieces love me. So far it is working quite well.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Kids are Cute

I wish I could say that I was related to one of these cute kids but I'm not. I was on Facebook the other day just browsing my news feed and this photo came up. I thought it was so hilarious I downloaded it and well, now I'm blogging about it. This week had been fairly intense with school, work, and some personal issues, and sometimes its fun to just forget about all the stressful things in life and laugh. I just watched Conference and one of the most exciting news was that they are building a new Temple in Provo, UT! I try to go to the temple once a week so it was so exciting to hear that they are building another one. The Provo temple is usually extremely busy and you have to schedule a couple hours to go there so the news of another temple is very welcome. So I just realized that this picture is probably not the best image to have while talking about the temple but I'll keep it anyways. Well, that's about all I have so talk to you later!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Adventures at the MTC

Once upon a time there were three awesome girls and they all showed up to work wearing the same outfit... I know the story is so amazing you are lost for words. I named this picture "mourning" cause we all happen to be wearing black and we decided we were mourning for our old store that day. At work, we are moving the bookstore to a different store and it has been crazy! If you think its hard to move yourself, try moving a whole store. We reorganized a lot of the inventory and this wall is one of our accomplishments. Needless to say, we girls are very proud of it.

Can we just say... simple pleasures. I found this machine the other day at work and thought it was so funny I had to take a picture. Not entirely sure why they decided to call this thing a ditch witch but it gave me a laugh!

We build these shelves the other day. After working on it for probably about two hours I had to take a picture and show how awesome (Glo and I) are.